Saturday, February 18, 2023

What is conda and why should i use it to create an environment?

Conda is an open source package manager created and maintained by Anaconda, Inc., which is used for managing software packages and creating environments for programming languages. It is a cross-platform tool that supports Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems.

The main use of conda is to create virtual environments that allow developers to install packages specific to the project they're working on without inadvertently affecting the system-wide packages. By creating an environment, you can install and run multiple versions of the same software at once. This helps avoid conflicts and ensures compatibility with different platforms.

Conda also simplifies package installation because it downloads and installs dependencies automatically. The main reason why developers are increasingly relying on conda is because it allows them to easily reproduce the same environment across different machines, making it easy to transition from one machine to another and maintain consistency. This helps avoid problems such as having different versions of libraries installed in different machines which can cause issues during development.

Furthermore, conda also helps manage disk space by only installing the exact version you need instead of having multiple versions installed in your system at any given time. Conda also provides access to a comprehensive list of open source packages from Anaconda's own repository as well as other popular sources such as Bioconda, Conda Forge, PyPI and more.

See more about conda create environment

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